Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hot air balloon rides in Orlando, Florida are cancelled due to high winds in the morning!

Hot air balloon rides in Orlando cancelled due to high winds!

Silver Star Hot air balloon in Orlando, Florida
Mother Nature is not going to cooperate for tomorrows flights. All flights have been cancelled due to high winds. This is a very unusual weather pattern for this time of year! If you have a flight scheduled for tomorrow, please call us at 407-476-7101 to reschedule. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you, but your safety is our #1 priority. As we say "I would rather be on the ground wishing I were in the air, than in the air wishing I were on the ground"

Please visit our websites at www.hotairballoonorlando.com and www.balloonflorida.com

Soft Landing,

David - Chief Pilot
Aerostat Adventures, LLC


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